Hi from the Airplane Landing: 

Hope you are well tonight.  The Jefferson Podcast #7 is up on the website and it includes the only live version of the Airplane doing “Comin’ Up The Years” (A+ Marty vocal) and a great lead-off “The Other Side Of This Life” 

It’s on the website in the Aircast Podcast section. 

Also thanks so much to one of the radio trade publicationsFriday Morning Quarterback (Ken Sharp) for these words about “Take Me To A Circus Tent” 

“The 543-page behemoth tome (it’s the size of a telephone book) is an indispensable guide  

to all things Airplane and the ultimate document for avid fans.”


I never can say “Thank you enough for those that take the time to say such kind things

about “Take Me To A Circus Tent.”


Have a great Thursday and enjoy the Jefferson Aircast,


“For dyed in the wool Airplane fans, look no further, it begins and ends here.”