Next to your dog are you looking for a new best friend? Don’t worry your pet will never be jealous. Here are three hints, the word is nine letters long, starts with T and ends with S. Are you on the right track? That was a great guess, but not what I had in mind.

It’s the often overlooked marvel called a thesaurus. If you want to improve your writing and speaking ability for business, scholastic, and or personal use this is a tool that can only benefit and never result in negativity.

A thesaurus will enable you to take ordinary words and exchange them for those that have power, passion, and makes the listener or reader focus on your content? Why? Most people are using the simplest word or terminology for their written work or oral presentations and there isn’t anything that differentiates John Doe from Jane Doe or Joe Person from Jill Person.

To give you an indication of what a thesaurus can do why don’t we experiment. A typical sentence will be articulated as follows “It was an important speech.” Let’s use the handy thesaurus and try again. “The speech was incomparable.” “The speaker clearly distinguished himself from all others.”

How often do you hear the word awesome overused? It is at the point that the meaning has lost luster because some people say awesome every other sentence. Why don’t we try to substitute something more powerful? The normal sentence reads “The rainbow that followed the storm was awesome.” The colors of the rainbow following the storm were majestic.”

Why be run of the mill when you have the ability to excel. There is no reason a person of any age can’t build a strong vocabulary and be more confident and comfortable in their expression. The thesaurus is remarkable for the results you can achieve regardless if you are a professional writer or speaker. Each time you use it not only will your results be more superlative but you have increased vocabulary skills for future reference.

If you decide to put a thesaurus under observation on your computer or purchase the actual product, the end will more than justify the means. It’s never too late to be the best you can, especially when the cost is not humongous. Pet the dog and let him know he’s always number one and gets the gold metal, you can save the silver for the thesaurus.

Thank you for the kindness of Chris for making this part of his Blog Carnival!


Painting My Room In A Colorful Way is the ultimate guide to better speaking, writing, and self-confidence with a book, audio files, email support, and phone coaching. With a price that won’t leave you speechless. Includes a money back guarantee.

One of the latest social networking phenomenons is Twitter.  It seems to be on the mind of every celebrity, politician, student, business owner, and social maven.

If you aren’t aware of what Twitter is, here is a brief description.  Twitter lets you post (the catch is 140 characters total or less) what you are doing, thoughts on a subject, a plug for a product, or a hello to your friends.  You follow Twitter users and they can follow you as well.

Here is where I have found a new use of the site.  One of the exercises I am currently teaching is how to say what you need to in articulate sentences while still staying in the 140 character restriction.

Yes, there are ways to circumvent the limitations such as using u for you or 4 and not 4 but when you can get a full impact to the reader without having to abbreviate your thoughts, you have learned a valuable tool.

When you speak or write the key is to keep the attention of those that you are communicating with.  We often find ourselves endlessly explaining something that could be stated in more concise patterns.

The exercise is can be advantageous for the sports commentator that has to get his point across between each pitch of a baseball game or in between downs of a National Football League broadcast.  It can help somebody on a job interview think faster and better their choice of words.  Maybe you are a business owner and need to get the attention of a future client in a couple of sentences, or you are writing a headline for a blog post.

Whatever the reason why not try this.  Think of a message you want to get across to friends, family, co-workers, and so on.  Start to write the contents in Microsoft Word.  When you have finished check the character count and if it is over 140 try to condense it without using abbreviations and losing the meaning of your thoughts.  The next thing you can do is to take something that you have already posted or written that is over 140 characters and see if you can truncate this as well.  It is not always feasible to be effective with a word or character limitation but for practice it can only benefit your speaking and writing capabilities today, tomorrow, and further down the road.  What have you got to loose but a few words.   Good luck!


Craig Fenton is the creator of Painting My Room In A Colorful Way (the ultimate speaking and writing course with written, audio, and phone coaching).  He is the author of the Jefferson Airplane book Take Me To A Circus Tent and the Jefferson Starship Have You Seen The Stars Tonite.  Craig lectures with a one time member of the Grateful Dead and a legendary American Rock & Roll Photographer.


Please visit

New Jersey- Even though the world economy continues its downward slump, many people who make a living speaking and or writing could in fact be making more than ever. Those looking to break into the market or simply improve their personal, scholastic, or business skills can achieve superlative results!

According to Craig Fenton, author and former radio personality, many of these people are actually holding themselves back: “The biggest misconception is that communication is for those with a deep voice and a radio license. Speaking and writing is all about connecting on a one to one level. When you remove the hype, alleviate the regional accent, install self-confidence, and supply all the tools in one place the results will speak for themselves.”

With his latest project (one year in the making), Painting My Room In A Colorful Way, Craig believes he offers real world solutions to the obstacles most encounter.

Craig, renowned lecturer (with one time Grateful Dead member Tom Constanten and America’s Rock & Roll Photographer Don Aters) and author of celebrated rock biographies Take Me To A Circus Tent (Jefferson Airplane) & Have You Seen The Stars Tonite (Jefferson Starship), believes his latest tome can help just about anyone improve their communication skills. He is confident it can give even the greenest writer or speaker the skills of a seasoned vet if they devote the time and show the will to succeed.

“Other speaking and writing guides fail because they aren’t giving the support after the sale. One of the secrets to Painting My Room In A Colorful Way is the total spectrum of communication given to the consumer in the form of a book, audio files, email support, and phone coaching.”

Craig has put together a comprehensive audio training package, so you can listen to the examples and learn as you go. The 273 page book also contains what Craig Fenton believes is the first of its kind: a reverse spelling dictionary (doesn’t give you the meanings) including 3497 words that can be looked up with the incorrect and correct spellings.

Painting My Room In A Colorful Way promises to help people overcome many of the most common speaking and writing issues. Many people are simply afraid to speak in public, fearing ridicule, mistakes in their delivery, or even worse. Craig’s book teaches speakers how to overcome those things and more in the most natural way possible. There are also useful sections (naming only a few) on smoothing out accents, how to be topical in the local your speaking, knowing how and when to insert humor, and building your speeches correctly to win the audience over.

Painting My Room In A Colorful Way costs $197 and includes the book, an audio package, and full phone, and email consulting from Craig Fenton himself. Craig is applying a maximum ownership limit to ensure than every single person gets the most out of their consultation period with him.

For more information on Painting My Room In A Colorful Way,

Please visit

Craig is always available for interview and quote requests, please put Painting My Room In A Colorful Way in the subject line and send an email to:

craigthespeakerman at
