

A fine Monday Morning to you fine Airplaners: 

How did the cookout go?  Since it’s the holiday why don’t we celebrate. 

Another gem from the vaults and I am really happy to showcase this one.  Since it features my friend Signe Anderson with a bunch of Airplaners!!  Let’s make her well and help her out please!

 Signe did a return tour and if you click the above link you’ll enjoy some Airplane treasures of the past.  One includes her signature tune!  



High Flyin’ Bird, Blues From An Airplane, Chauffeur Blues,  Paul Kantner- Guitar & Vocals

Jack Casady- Bass


Papa John Creach- Violin & Vocals

Tim Gorman- Keyboards

Slick Aguilar- Lead Guitar & Vocals

Prairie Prince- Drums 

Have a great and safe day.  If the traffic gets too much we here at Airplane Central will attempt to keep the rarities coming.

By the way if I may please.  Isn’t it typical of the Yankees this season to not show up from time to time?  Three games against the Red Sox they play their hearts out.  Tampa Bay comes to town and they Yanks couldn’t even win 2 out of 3.  Brutal!

  All the best,



 September 28, 68 unused from the Ed Sullivan show in NYC Won’t You Try/Saturday Afternoon. 

How are you this afternoon?  Need a bit of an energy boost to get to the weekend?  I hope this helps.  The audio and video from the Ed Sullivan Show almost 40 years ago.  The band performed “Crown Of Creation”, however it is always the Airplane Man’s goal to provide something a bit different.  Enjoy! This will be part 2 of 2 and is the VIDEOOOO.  Notice the playing time of the song!  Very interesting version w/Jack’s bass high in the mix. See you soon as we board another flight for the video! 

All the best,
